All posts by lolgraff
Bathroom Graffiti Suicide
August 4th, 2010Found here.
Pretty Girls
August 3rd, 2010Horny bastard
August 3rd, 2010We’ve all been there
August 2nd, 2010Well maybe not all of us. This guy wrote it on a wall though.
Promises promises
July 29th, 2010Photo by sublime:ation
July 28th, 2010The anti- ‘art fag’ movement garnered support from even the animal kingdom it seemed.
It’s also not the first time dogs have been featured on these hallowed pages either, see previous exhibits here, here, here and perhaps most memorably here.
Photo credit: Wander Galerie.
UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments, photo credit goes to this guy. His dog and everything. There we go, you can sleep easy tonight.